Friday, October 7, 2011

Despite a dose of Nyquil fucking with my vision, I still can't sleep. So I'll write. My apologies for any  typos or grammatical errors that escape my drug-effected eyes.

I don't understand why we cling so desperately to life.  Why we dictate that life is precious, that life must be preserved at all costs and then sow death and misery in our wake.

I don't understand how someone can condemn a doctor for aborting a baby conceived by rape, and then say that our warmongering in the Middle East is "justified."

Then I remember what motivates the people that these people listen to: money.  And I remember that people compelled by greed don't care about others.  They don't care about who is hurt in the wake of their lust.

Most people are easily-swayed.  A smaller group of people recognize this and take advantage of it.  They rally the masses behind a cause, but in truth only care about their own self-interests.

And the masses believe the words that they are told, because the words are convincing, despite being insincere.  Perhaps the one who tells them actually believes the words, but that does not make them true.

But again, I don't understand why we cling so desperately to life.  We, as a whole, seem to place such a value on it, but for so many people in this world, life fucking sucks.

Famine, disease, war, poverty.  Death.  These are the things that make up the daily existence for so many on this planet.  If you're reading this, obviously not for you. Luck of the dice, we say.

But even at our level, life doesn't feel so great.  Most of have jobs we don't like, even hate.  Jobs that make us miserable. But hey, gotta pay the rent, right?

And no matter how much we make (and for most of us it isn't much) it's never enough.  Most of us are in debt.  Credit cards, mortgages, student loans, car loans, unpaid tickets, whatever.

Still we toil on, hoping that eventually we'll find success and live the life we've always wanted.  Or, more reasonably, that we'll at least be able to retire someday.

There are old people on social security eating dog food out there. There are cats eating better food than 3/4 of the population of Africa.  Are you starting to see my fucking point yet?

This world is all fucked up.  And every connotation of that sentence I can think of applies, which makes things even worse.

And looking back at what I know of history, life actually seems to be getting BETTER.  The average American has a better life than the vast majority of people in human history.

One of the problems is that we look back at history and get this skewed idea of what it was like.  We romanticize it, we turn it into some fantasy about noble-minded people pursuing noble things.

Wrong, fail, die.  History is really the same shit over and over again, but with ever-improving technology.  It sucked then, and it sucks now.


Don't get me wrong.  Life has it's moments.  And these moments usually involve family, friends, nature, food and art.  Actually, food falls into the art category.  Nature might too.  Fuck it, everything is art.

I guess what my point is that imagine if those moments that make life wonderful WERE life.  I don't see any valid reason why it can't be that way.  Except for maybe excessive and ever-increasing overpopulation.

And yes, there is some redundancy in the phrase "excessive and ever-increasing overpopulation".  It's intentional.  It's to prove a point.  A point about excessive and ever-increasing overpopulation.

There are waaaaaaaay too many people inhabiting this globalsphere.  The world can't sustain us.  We can't sustain us.  And we keep popping out more babies.

I'm not saying that we need to kill off a whole bunch of people.  We just need to let a whole bunch of people die off, and then not replace them.

Nonononononono, get that look off your face.  I'm not saying "stop humanitarian aid and let the tossers rot".  I'm just saying LAY OFF THE FUCKING BABIES FOR AWHILE PEOPLE.

People want children: adopt.  People want large families: get back in touch with your existing family, get over past differences, mend old grudges, or if that fails, make a family of friends.

You don't need to share blood to be a family.  Most of the best families share as little blood as possible.  We need to get over this species-imperative natural-instinct brainwashing.

I keep hearing the phrase "...of my own".  Raise children...of my own.  Have a big family...of my own.  Translation: pop out six babies, replace myself and my other three times over.

I hate to break it to you, but most children live to adulthood now.  We can close down the baby factories.  Save some wear and tear on the...ok, I won't finish that.

Time we learn to make do with what we got.  And if we all stopped to look around a bit more, and learned to get past our trivial and petty differences we'd realize that's actually a lot.

All differences are in fact petty and trivial.  And even as overpopulated as the planet is, there's plenty to go around if everyone could LEARN TO FUCKING SHARE, WE'RE NOT IN KINDERGARTEN.

I'm not saying life would be a fantasy.  That our every whim and desire would be catered to.  That's not life.  Life requires effort, that will never change.

I'm just saying that life could be better for everyone.  That we could accomplish more, and with less toil.  And it's possible we could still have all the shiny baubles that make us happy.

But with life the way it is, why do we prolong suffering?  When people are in constant pain and ready to die, why not let them?  Why make them endure it just because you're not ready to let go?

Life isn't as precious as we think.  Life is fleeting, life ends.  It is the way of things.  One life ends so another can continue, or whatever.  Or maybe that makes life even more precious than we think.  Semantics.

Throughout the span of human civilization lives have been needlessly spent for worthless causes.  Because no matter how noble it may seem, whatever really started it was just some bullshit between bastards.

And nothing has changed.  It's still happening today.  People fighting for causes they believe in because some fucker with an agenda told them to believe in it.

Okay, so sometimes it's people with causes they believe in fighting against some fucker with an agenda.  But most of the same words are still there.  And there's always some fucker with an agenda.

So I guess what I'm really saying is that I don't understand why we cling so desperately to THIS life.  'Cause this life isn't worth the cotton-fiber paper it's printed on.